A positive and a happy lady

We all know that words are powerful and the power of positive words can lead to positive thinking and can give you a positive life and happy life. So be very deliberate with your words because your words can make you and your words can break you.

I met a lady who was very kind and humble, but always grumbled about her problems. She was from very good family background and can easily afford anything. But she was facing a lot of health issues and most of the time she discussed that how it affected her life.

She looked perfectly fine to me but her words concluded dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and a demotivated life. I have heard, money can’t bring all the happiness of your life. But never seen someone so well to do, so much dissatisfied with their lives.

I was doing the interior designing of the house and every time at the site visits, she was there with her another problem. Sometimes with her knees, sometimes with her back, sometimes with her head, and sometimes with the stress she was facing, and sometimes how unhappy she was from her life. Though she had every materialistic thing, her words lacked positivity which is a must for a happy life and a positive life.

The Power of Positive Words

Problems and suffering are part of life. They will come to you uninvited. But having the same kind of conversation again and again, and not trying anything to resolve can create an issue.

Repetition develops habits and if you are repeating with your words about the problems you are facing that it can damage your positive thinking ability. And the biggest problem with this will be, it will affect your life and you won’t be aware of it.

The more you discuss your problems, the more it magnifies. Words are powerful, so always speak well. Nature attracts what you are saying. And if you are negative with your words, you will become one pessimistic person who will radiate negative energy and with whom nobody will want to spend time.

Also, Read


Focus on Positive Words

If I am ill and not feeling well and I focus on that a lot, I find myself trapped with that feeling throughout the day. I am not able to do anything else, thinking my body needs rest.

But I have noticed that, if I reject the feeling of not feeling good and replace it with I am feeling better, I really feel good and better. And I recover faster.

That lady strengthens her belief of being unhealthy with the repetition of negative words. That’s why even regular therapy in the morning from the trained therapist couldn’t heal her.

Your words strengthen your thoughts and after some time you start believing that. It starts getting reflected in your personality as well. And you just don’t like to do anything other than thinking about that. In fact, I have seen people who like to discuss the negative things, rather than focus on positive things that happen in their lives.

Discussing the problems makes them happy. So they find many reasons to be unhappy and just don’t hesitate to cry about that. Once or twice is fine, but if it’s becoming your habit, you need to reconsider it. It’s comparable to any serious disease you are facing.

What you Speak is a Choice

What you speak, is a choice, then why not speak something good and positive. Yes, you are suffering, but still grumbling about that won’t help you. Why not force yourself to speak something positive and see how the power of positive words plays its role.

Weeds grow easier, without any effort, but you have to work hard if you want to plant something of your choice. You have to regularly manure the land, water the plant, and take care of it on a regular basis to see the results. So watch your words, till speaking positively becomes your habit.
For a healthy and good life, your thoughts and words play a very important role. So be careful what you speak to yourself. 

I read these beautiful lines somewhere-

“Watch your thoughts they become your words, watch your words they become your actions what your actions, they become your habit, watch your habits they become your character, and watch your character they become your destiny”.

“Watch your thoughts they become your words, watch your words they become your actions what your actions, they become your habit, watch your habits they become your character and watch your character they become your destiny”.

A book of poem
A book of poem

Check out my book, ‘The Tree and the Wind’. You will find a lot of poems here which will inspire you and will motivate you to keep on moving forward. Do check-out. It’s wonderful..:D You will love it.. .:D

Be Encouraging with your Words

Positive words are empowering. You don’t know what your words can put an impact on somebody else’s life. Always be encouraging with your words. It is like helping others with your kind words. You really don’t know what is happening in somebody else’s life. Your words have the power to make a fragile and weak person become something that he has never imagined.

Giving is just not about giving money and wealth…
Few words of encouragement and faith will work…

Your words might let unthinkable happen…
A person who was fragile and weak yesterday…

Might become someone…
you have never imagined….

Naseema Khatoon


Train your subconscious with the power of positive words and see how your life changes. You are your own motivation. Be selective with your words while talking to yourself. Don’t curse yourself for something because nobody is perfect. Try the power of positive words, because words are powerful & and they will magnify your positive thinking ability which will eventually lead to a positive life and a happy life.

That is all for today’s blog post. I hope you like the post. Keep visiting us for more motivational and inspiring posts.

Stay happy, stay healthy
and stay safe. 🙂

Words are powerful
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